Monday, February 1, 2010

Time Capsule

During the first few weeks of 2010, students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 at the school prepared items to be buried inside of our time capsule. The capsule was buried at the official opening ceremony for the new campus that took place on January 14. The Prime Minister and other members of government were in attendance. Directions will be left in a safe place at the school and the capsule will also be registered with the International Time Capsule Society. It is scheduled to be uncovered 25 years from now on January 14, 2035! Below is a list of some of the items included inside:

A list of all students, teachers, and staff
Self addressed letters
Letters and other writings addressed to the Students of the Future
Copies of the day’s newspapers
“I Like Center Time” booklet created by Kindergarten students
DVDs with pictures and videos of school
Thumb drives with pictures and videos of the school
an Island Academy Tie and Shirt
Yearbook from 2009
Letters to Spanish Class Students of the future
a Samsung Mobile Phone
a list of the Best Cars of 2009
a $20 EC bill
an Intel processor
a 2 and a1/2 inch floppy disc

I was able to glance at some of the letters written by our students and wanted to share some of their thoughts, hopes and advice.

“Here, everybody gets along.”
“I want to work on solving global warming.”
“I want to be a forensic pathologist.”
“I will be an Olympic Swimmer.”
“I hope to be a fluent Spanish speaker.”
“I hope I will be able to help others by being a doctor.”
“I wonder if any of the current students children will be going to the school.”
“If you want to contact me call 463-5555 and try to refresh my memory.”
“I will maybe have seven tortoises and four dogs”
“If the world is taken over by robots, don’t fight, RUN!”
“You won’t probably be obsessed with Michael Jackson.”
“In 25 years, I will have a pet hamster.”

It was a very thought-provoking exercise and gave us all a chance to think about what state the world will be in after another quarter century and where each of us will be. That future will be shaped and occupied by the students who attend this school and all other schools and universities around the world. This simple gesture reminds us all of the importance of education.

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